[LK 1012] Sub. Code: 4703
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
August 2008
PAPER III – Nursing Foundation
Q.P. Code : 664703
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 Marks
I. Write Essay on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. .
- List the types of pain
- Write the factors influencing comfort
- Discuss on assessment, theory and management of pain
2. Explain Nursing Responsibilities for the following : -
- Moving, lifting and transferring patient.
- Prevention of nosocomial infection.
- Patient absconding and leaving hospital against medical advice. (LAMA).
II. Write Short notes:
- Methods of effective communications.
- Hazards and prevention of needle stick injury.
- Maintenance of patent airway.
- Care of patient with chest drainage.
- Nursing intervention in fluid and electroltye imbalance.
III. Short Answer questions :
- Classification of wounds.
- Types of bandages.
- Two signs of clinical death.
- Normal range of Pulse rate.
- List two methods of Physical Examination.
- Two causes of Bed Sore.
- List out two Pressure Points on Supine Position.
- List out two comfort devices.
- Two types of bed.
- List out two types of enema.